Fear, Phobia, Social Phobia, Fear of Public Speaking
- Are you afraid of something that you can’t control?
- Do you want to change?
- Do you have a phobia that keeps you from people, places or activities?
- Do you fear public speaking, interviews or testing situations?
If you’re genuinely ready to seek relief, I can help you get over the fears and phobias that may trouble you with the powerfully gentle process of hypnotherapy. Together we can get to the heart of your problem. We can go beyond the pressure to face it and mend it. We can find source of your burden and put you back in control.
Please call so we can learn more about each other.
Confronting Your Fears and Phobias with Hypnosis
Once the causes are revealed, the technique of systematic desensitization may be the treatment of choice. Systematic desensitization is a well organized procedure to bring the psyche back into balance, eliminating the fears by hypnotic confrontation. The fears are met and faced through the subconscious mind. Repeated confrontation causes deterioration of the fear symptoms and increases the ability to face and deal with past traumatic experiences without apprehension, which the conscious mind then accepts. Age regression can also be a highly effective technique for uncovering causes.
Testimonial from a client with a former Fear of Flying
[hr]Serving Franklin, Hampshire, Hampden counties in western Massachusetts, the Pioneer Valley, southern Vermont, New Hampshire, the Berkshires and northern Connecticut.I am writing to thank you for the fine work you did with me surrounding my inability to board an airplane after a lifetime of horrific, fearful flights. Over four sessions you were able to help me understand that I had misdiagnosed my problem for over forty years. You were also able to lead me right to the doorstep of the real demon.
On January 30th, 2008 I boarded a plane in Hartford, flew to Charlotte, boarded another and flew to Grand Cayman. I returned in the same pattern. These four legs of the trip were unlike any previous flying experiences. I actually held conversations with my wife, something I had heretofore been unable to do. While flying will never be my favorite thing to do, I feel I can now schedule a trip and get to my destination without an inordinate amount of trepidation.
Blue Moon Hypnotherapy is a firmly established business and has been since 1999.
Call today for your confidential, free 20 minute phone consultation so that we may begin the process of helping you to achieve the health and lifestyle you really want.